Archive | July, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are Ruled By Jerk Kids

9 Jul

So we all remember this book from our childhood. Luckily, Spike Jonze decided to make your favorite picture book into a feature-length tale of some jerk kid and creepy CGI monsters.  Sweet! Continue reading

Ways to entertain yourself with minimal effort

7 Jul

I work nights as a gate guard at a fancy neighborhood, so there is plenty of down time.  I sometimes bring a portable DVD player with me, but before I did that, I had to find ways to not go crazy.  Next time you find yourself stuck at a boring job or possibly in prison or something, use these techniques to stay sane. Continue reading

My thoughts on Shutter Island

7 Jul

I recently rented this Scorsese film from one of those Redbox things (which, by the way, are the greatest things ever).  I was working the night shift, so I brought a portable DVD player and watched the movie.  I had my notepad with me so I could come up with new blog posts, but I ended up just jotting down a bunch of things I noticed in this movie.  Enjoy. Continue reading